wenzhixin / bootstrap-table

An extended table to integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks. (Supports Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation, Vue.js)
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Disable columns autocalc width & Resiziable + Fixed table height #4871

Closed blacksheriff closed 5 months ago

blacksheriff commented 4 years ago

Thanx for greate component. I've to quastions:

  1. How I can disable auto column width recalc? I've set fixed column width 43px for expamle style in browser showing right "width, but computed width after load data is 59, or 65 or anything else... image

  2. Is it possible to work with resizable columns when height of table is set to fixed value?

wenzhixin commented 4 years ago
  1. You can use the class column option to solve your problem: https://live.bootstrap-table.com/code/wenzhixin/1830

  2. Not support: https://bootstrap-table.com/docs/extensions/resizable/#known-issues

blacksheriff commented 4 years ago
  1. You can use the class column option to solve your problem: https://live.bootstrap-table.com/code/wenzhixin/1830
  2. Not support: https://bootstrap-table.com/docs/extensions/resizable/#known-issues
  3. Thanx a lot for reply. It's very difficult to make it vith class names, because a have a hundred of tables with hundred of columns. It'l be nice to have a disableRecalc flag in table options if it possible. I have a fixed width in my every column may be i can write smth in inline style?
blacksheriff commented 4 years ago
  1. You can use the class column option to solve your problem: https://live.bootstrap-table.com/code/wenzhixin/1830 Unfortunatelly it doesn't help. It recalcs th and td automatically: image
blacksheriff commented 4 years ago

If I not mistaken, it can be simple solve with change "width" to "min-width" for bootstrap4 respect that. in line 4199 bootstrap-table.js: style += Utils.sprintf('width: %s; ', (column.checkbox || column.radio) && !width ? !column.showSelectTitle ? '36px' : undefined : width ? width + unitWidth : undefined); Referenced to https://stackoverflow.com/a/23509701:

wenzhixin commented 4 years ago

I think we can overwrite the CSS style for this problem. For example:

td.bs-checkbox {
  width: 36px !important;
  min-width: 36px;
blacksheriff commented 4 years ago

I think we can overwrite the CSS style for this problem. For example:

td.bs-checkbox {
  width: 36px !important;
  min-width: 36px;

It should be set for every column for take effect. if column count over 50 it'l be large css file

wenzhixin commented 4 years ago

You can try to set table layout: https://live.bootstrap-table.com/code/wenzhixin/1861

blacksheriff commented 4 years ago

You can try to set table layout: https://live.bootstrap-table.com/code/wenzhixin/1861

It works with "width: auto !important" in .table class Without it, ,<th> looks fine, but <td> of 50 columns, trying to fit screen border respecting "width 100%" from bootstrap table class css. image and if the other table has no 50 columns, but only 3 it doesn't looks good. image Changing "width" to "min-width" is prefer, i think

blacksheriff commented 4 years ago

I've saved my example to show you about "table-layout: fixed; ": https://live.bootstrap-table.com/code/blacksheriff/1865

blacksheriff commented 4 years ago

So what about min-width?

blacksheriff commented 4 years ago


UtechtDustin commented 4 years ago

@djhvscf i guess your more familiar with css :)

blacksheriff commented 4 years ago

@djhvscf i guess your more familiar with css :)

My css knowledges is not critical here. Once again, I have many dynamic tables in which from 3 to 50 fields of a given width. Auto-recalculation randomly changes this width, which is not bad, but bootstrap spoils everything - changing width randomly to fit screen, respecting "width 100%". How can I turn off auto-recalculation of columns width, or change the column style in line 4199 of bootstrap-table.js "width" to "min-width". That would help too.

UtechtDustin commented 4 years ago

@blacksheriff i dont mean your css knowledges :)

wenzhixin commented 4 years ago

Have you solved your problem?

blacksheriff commented 4 years ago

No, I'm still waiting for )

thetphoongon commented 2 years ago

td { min-width: 200px !important; }
is ok for me. It is auto td width problem. Thanks

mak1A4 commented 10 months ago

I solved the issue with javascript give th a class <th class="th-min-width"></th> and then do

document.querySelectorAll(".th-min-width").forEach(function (el) {
  el.style.minWidth = el.style.width;