For legacy reasons I would like to have DATETIME formau for columns that come as MicroTimestamp (We use Debezium for postgressql that converts timestamps to MicroTimestamp). The Sink automatically converts to TIMESTAMP format.
I tried creating the table first with type DATETIME for the columns to circumentvent this, but then I got the error:
Field updated_at has changed type from DATETIME to TIMESTAMP; See logs for more detail
at com.wepay.kafka.connect.bigquery.write.batch.KCBQThreadPoolExecutor.maybeThrowEncounteredErrors(
at com.wepay.kafka.connect.bigquery.BigQuerySinkTask.put(
at org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.WorkerSinkTask.deliverMessages(
... 10 more
Is there a way to save columns as DATETIME on BQ? I also considered using a view to convert to DATETIME, but then we lose the parittioning property on these columns. Thanks!
For legacy reasons I would like to have DATETIME formau for columns that come as MicroTimestamp (We use Debezium for postgressql that converts timestamps to MicroTimestamp). The Sink automatically converts to TIMESTAMP format. I tried creating the table first with type DATETIME for the columns to circumentvent this, but then I got the error:
Is there a way to save columns as DATETIME on BQ? I also considered using a view to convert to DATETIME, but then we lose the parittioning property on these columns. Thanks!