weppos / whois

An intelligent — pure Ruby — WHOIS client and parser.
MIT License
1.11k stars 282 forks source link

Update to deprecation warning #639

Closed codytubbs closed 2 years ago

codytubbs commented 2 years ago

loophole@evilofallroot:~/rwhois$ ruby -e 'require "whois"; require "whois-parser"; puts Whois.whois("whois-pr.com").available?' Traceback (most recent call last): -e:1:in <main>': undefined methodavailable?' for # (NoMethodError)

loophole@evilofallroot:~/rwhois$ ruby -e 'require "whois"; require "whois-parser"; puts Whois.whois("whois-pr.com").parser.available?' true