wer340 / trick

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✅Google Chrome hacks I wish you knew to become an advanced user #1

Open wer340 opened 4 months ago

wer340 commented 4 months ago
  1. Create Keyboard Shortcuts for Extensions


  1. Quick Launch & Clean Favicon Bookmarks Bar


✅✅3. Use Chrome as a Text Editor

Open a new tab > address bar write

data:text/html, <html contenteditable>
  1. Search for Specific File Types
"apple; jpeg"
  1. Find Related Websites
    related; examplesite.com 

    ✅✅6. Movie Showtime and Length

MovieName Runtime

Game of thrones Runtime
  1. Set a Timer Set a timer in search like
    Timer for 12 minutes
  2. Calculator Calculate math queries like 👇 in the address bar.

    9.Conversions Convert units like temperature, distance, and currency.

    exchange rate 1 usd to rupiah today
  3. Weather & Time Get weather by typing
    Location Weather


    Time in Iran at 2 PM Germany

    2:00 PM Wednesday, in Germany is 4:30 PM Wednesday, in Iran

wer340 commented 3 months ago
  1. Find stock information for a ticker

    Function → stocks:[ticker]

    For example: "stocks:aapl"

🔥Function → before:[date] / after:[date]

For example: "bitcoin before:2010-06-29"

  1. Search for results that do not mention a word or phrase.

    Function → -[word]

    For example: "crypto exchange -binance"

  2. Include synonyms in your search

    🔥Function → Place the tilde (~) in front of a word.

    For example: "~learn Programming"

    Results related to learning programming will also appear.