wer340 / trick

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✅ChatGPT 20🔥is your secret weapon for productivity. #4

Open wer340 opened 4 months ago

wer340 commented 4 months ago

✅Learn from mistakes

Prompt: I made a mistake while practicing (🖊️skill🖊️). Can you explain what went wrong and how I can avoid making the same mistake in the future?

✅Memorize key information

Prompt: What are the most important facts, dates, or formulas related to (🖊️topic🖊️)? Help me create a memorization technique to remember them easily.

✅ Let ChatGPT generate its prompts (baby AGI)

Prompt: You are GPT-4, OpenAI’s advanced language model. Today, your job is to generate prompts for GPT-4. Can you generate the best prompts on ways to [🖊️what you want🖊️]

✅Make money with ChatGPT

Prompt: I want to start a side hustle using ChatGPT. I want to take advantage of your technology but I'm not sure where to start. Please ask me as many questions as you like so you can help me with your best ability.

✅Write a blog post

Prompt: Write a 500-word blog post on [🖊️Insert Topic here🖊️]

✅Train ChatGPT to learn your writing

Prompt: Analyze the text below for style, voice, and, tone. Create a prompt to write a new paragraph in the same style, voice, and tone. [🖊️insert text here🖊️]

✅Make ChatGPT a Python interpreter

Prompt: I want you to act like a Python interpreter.I will give you Python code, and you will execute it. Do not provide any explanations. Do not respond with anything except the output of the code. The first code is: “print(🖊️‘hello world!’🖊️)”

✅Use the 80/20 principle to learn faster

Prompt: I want to learn about [🖊️insert topic🖊️]. Identify and share the most important 20% of learnings from this topic that will help me understand 80% of it.

✅Convert transcripts to questions

Prompt: [🖊️Copy a video transcript and paste it into ChatGPT🖊️]. Generate 7 questions based on this transcript.

✅Create future lessons

Prompt: We have just begun learning about integers in class. What are some lessons that are likely going to covered that I can learn early?

✅Guess the ASCII Art

Prompt: I want to play a game called Guess the ASCII art. You can draw the ASCII art and I will try to guess it.

✅Plan trips

Prompts: I have $2000 dollars and 4 days. Plan a trip for me to Eastern Europe.

✅Make Twitter threads

Prompt: Generate a Twitter thread about [🖊️topic🖊️].

✅ Consult Elon Musk

Prompt: I will provide you with an argument or opinion of mine. I want you to criticize it as if you were [🖊️musk🖊️]

✅Spot Career Pitfalls Using AI

Prompt: What are the common mistakes a person makes on the path to becoming [🖊️dream career🖊️]? Give step-by-step instructions on how to avoid those mistakes, a detailed career path with duration.

✅Skillset-Based Money-Making Ideas

Prompt: With [🖊️skills🖊️] and [budget], give me 5 ideas, budgets, and step-by-step instructions for every idea on how to earn more money.

✅ Rewrite for a 10-year-old

Prompt: Rewrite the [🖊️text🖊️] as if I was a 10-year-old

✅Optimize website SEO.

Prompt: Provide a step-by-step guide to optimize my website's SEO for [🖊️target keywords🖊️].

✅ Enhance problem-solving abilities.

Prompt: Share a step-by-step systematic approach for solving [🖊️specific problem or challenge🖊️].

✅Get incredible book summaries.

Prompt: Distill the most important lessons from {🖊️Book Title🖊️} into a comprehensive, but digestible summary.