werf / kubedog

Library to watch and follow kubernetes resources in CI/CD deploy pipelines
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Kubedog show events for linked replicaset #310

Open samavasi opened 12 months ago

samavasi commented 12 months ago

Kubedog Support showing linked replicaset events for deployment object (eg to show hints on resourcequota exceeded reason)

distorhead commented 12 months ago

@samavasi Hi!

Showing events is disabled by default, but you can enable such events for deployment with the following annotation set on deployment:

    "werf.io/show-service-messages": "true"

(More info: https://werf.io/documentation/v1.2/reference/deploy_annotations.html#show-service-messages)

Not sure that resourcequota exceeded will be shown in deployment events, but I suppose it should be there, give it a try. If it does not help then theoretically it is possible to extend show-service-messages behaviour to show events for main resource and linked subordinate resource too.

samavasi commented 12 months ago

Hi @distorhead thank you for your reply Indeed the issue is the events are from the subordinate Replicaset so are not visible if I follow the above instructions , I think only pod subordinate events are shown at the moment , any idea if this can be enhanced ?

ilya-lesikov commented 10 months ago

It might be, we'll look into this.

ZIK-1337 commented 7 months ago

It might be, we'll look into this.

@ilya-lesikov Hi! any movement on this problem? replicaset events are still not outputted.

ilya-lesikov commented 6 months ago

Hi, no, not yet. We were working on a new, more dynamic high-level tracker recently