wernerdaehn / CC3D-CableCam-Controller

CC3D and STM Cube based CableCam controller
Apache License 2.0
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$P 1 for automatic play don't work #24

Closed Willyfan closed 5 years ago

Willyfan commented 6 years ago

I'm adding to my app the play function, but I discovered that the play mode work from RC but not from Bluetooth $P 1 command. I tried also to put $P 1 from Putty connected by usb, and it don't work. The command is accepted as correct, but nothing happen. Also tried to unassign the RC channel. What I'm doing wrong?

EDIT: I uploaded the APP with play here if you want try: http://william-fanelli.com/wp-content/uploads/myupload/ID_CablecamSetup_8.apk

Willyfan commented 6 years ago

Again about Play function, I have some suggest: 1) very important: if you turn on the cablecam and forgot the play switch on in the RC, the cablecam start to play and it can be dangerous. I don't know how solve this, may be at the start up the swich must be in off, if is in on you must switch it in off before start operation. 2) the 5 seconds pause sometimes is too much. Can you add a parameter for set this time? Is not necessary that you can set from RC (RC have a lot of function now), simply from terminal (and my app)

wernerdaehn commented 5 years ago

ATTENTION: I have also changed the command response for all commands. Before it was a mixture of OK and echoing back the settings plus OK. Now it is consistent for all commands: Without arguments it does the same print as before. With arguments it sets the values and then does the same print as without commands. Example: Old: $N 1500 30 700 ---> $N OK New: $N 1500 30 700 ---> $N 1500 30 700 OK

Willyfan commented 5 years ago

Thanks Werner, I will modify my app. Actually I'm in holiday until 13 August, so I can't do it now. I let you know when ready.

Willyfan commented 5 years ago

During my holidays I had a problem at a my eye: retina detachment. So, I''m back before, from end of July. My eye is OK now, and I' m working on cablecam. Now the command $P 1 is working. I will publish link to new app asap, I'm checking it. Now the app require android 4.0 or higher.