wernerhp / ha.appdaemon.aqara_motion_sensors

An AppDaemon app to reset Xiaomi Aqara motion sensors after a given timeout.
MIT License
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Как настроить? \ How to configure it? #8

Closed DivanX10 closed 2 years ago

DivanX10 commented 3 years ago

К сожалению нет подробной инструкции как это настраивается и я не смог настроить. Пришлось спрашивать у знающих. Делюсь своим опытом, это может помочь вам. Сперва нужно убедиться, что у вас стоит аддон AppDaemon 4. Если не стоит, то ставим его.

AppDaemon 4

После установки аддона AppDaemon 4 должна появиться папка appdaemon. appdaemon01

Внутри этой папки должны быть подпапки, если этих подпапок нет, значит что-то пошло не так, тогда нужно сделать следующее: 1) Если стоит аддон AppDaemon 4, то удаляем этот аддон AppDaemon 4 2) Удаляем папку appdaemon 3) Перезагружаем Home Assistant 4) Ставим аддон AppDaemon 4 по новой 5) Должна появиться папка appdaemon и подпапки

Вот так должно быть в папке appdaemon appdaemon02

Далее заходим в папку apps и открываем файлик apps.yaml apps

В этом файлике прописываем настройки для датчиков. Указываем время сброса статуса

Вот мой пример. Я решил разделить все датчики и не смешивать в одну кучу. Вы конечно можете смешать все в одну кучу как показал автор. konfig

Unfortunately, there is no detailed instructions on how to configure this and I was not able to configure it. I had to ask the knowledgeable ones. I share my experience, it can help you. First you need to make sure that you have the addon Ap Daemon 4. If not, then put it.

AppDaemon 4

After installing the Ap Daemon 4 addon, the app daemon folder should appear.


There should be subfolders inside this folder, if there are no subfolders, then something went wrong, then you need to do the following: 1) If there is an addon Ap Daemon 4, then remove this addon Ap Daemon 4 2) Deleting the app daemon folder 3) Restart the Home Assistant 4) We put the appdaemon 4 addon on a new one 5) The app daemon folder and subfolders should appear

This is how it should be in the app daemon folder appdaemon02

Next, go to the apps folder and open the app.yaml file apps

In this file, we specify the settings for the sensors. Specify the time to reset the status Here is my example. I decided to separate all the sensors and not mix them in one pile. You can certainly mix everything into one pile as the author showed. konfig

karol-op commented 3 years ago

thanks that helped me so much <3

wernerhp commented 2 years ago

Added to readme.

labaland commented 1 year ago

Is this still working? not working for me. Appdeamon in docker compose, zigbee using Zigbee2mqtt

wernerhp commented 1 year ago

Yes, it works. Share screenshots of your appdaemon config.

Did you do the hardware modification? What version of the Aqara sensor do you have?

DivanX10 commented 1 year ago

Yes, it works. Share screenshots of your appdaemon config.

Did you do the hardware modification? What version of the Aqara sensor do you have?

There is no need to use appdaemon to reset the status every 5 seconds. In order for this to work, the sensors themselves need to be switched to standby mode, when they record every 5 seconds instead of 60 seconds, after that there is a point in zigbee2mqtt where you can specify a time of 5 seconds and the status will be reset.

You need to connect these two lines, you can do it by soldering or drawing a path between them tightly with a pencil - graphene conducts current image

Then in the zigbee2mqtt settings, in the special settings section, specify 5 seconds image