wernight / docker-mopidy

Containerized Mopidy MPD (Music Player Daemon) along with Spotify, Google Music... plugins.
MIT License
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Problems with running docker-mopidy #29

Closed GabeAigner closed 4 years ago

GabeAigner commented 4 years ago

So I started with running the docker command: (I want use mopidy to stream Spotify)

docker run -dit \
> wernight/mopidy \
> mopidy \
> -o spotify/username=MyUsername -o spotify/password=MyPassword

Then it loaded the image, and ran the container.

Unfortunately, every time I run the container in detached -d like above, it automatically stops immediately.

When I run it without detached just with -it It throws the error:

/bin/bash: /entrypoint.sh: Permission denied

Does anyone of you know why this keeps happening? Do I need to configure something or did I miss something? Thanks

wernight commented 4 years ago

I don't think you can run -it with -d. That doesn't make sense as there are no inputs. However that's not what the error says.