During attempt to make my monitor configuration switching I discovered that xrandr output does not match awk pattern , which leads to creation of incorrect configuration profile.
In my case output of xrandr -q looks like this:
eDP1 connected primary 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 309mm x 174mm
Which results to corrupted configuration profile:
output eDP1
mode primary
pos x
rotate 1920x1080+0+0
To provide you with more information:
I'm using Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS on Lenovo T450s with Intel GPU.
That's output of xrandr --version
xrandr program version 1.4.1
Server reports RandR version 1.4
I was able to fix this problem quite easy by adjusting awk pattern:
# display is connected and has a mode
/^[^ ]+ connected [^(]/ {
split($4, A, "+");
print "output "$1;
print "mode "A[1];
print "pos "A[2]"x"A[3];
if ($5 !~ /^\(/) {
print "rotate "$5;
Hi, First of all thanks for this nice script.
During attempt to make my monitor configuration switching I discovered that xrandr output does not match awk pattern , which leads to creation of incorrect configuration profile.
In my case output of xrandr -q looks like this:
Which results to corrupted configuration profile:
To provide you with more information: I'm using Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS on Lenovo T450s with Intel GPU. That's output of xrandr --version
I was able to fix this problem quite easy by adjusting awk pattern: