wesaphzt / privatelock

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Show actual accelerometer stats on either side of the pie #5

Closed zoktiik closed 5 years ago

zoktiik commented 5 years ago

The meter at the bottom used for testing your threshold needs actual numbers. A "pie" progress counter, much less one that only moves in a smooth animation, makes the user guess at what exact point the threshold was passed. The current state of this testing method is ineffective at what it's supposed to do: accurately convey what a sensor is reporting. Possible stats could include the current accelerometer report, an average over 1-2 seconds, and the last accelerometer report that caused the phone to lock.

wesaphzt commented 5 years ago

I did initially display the current accelerator numbers next to it when I was building it, but to be honest I found it useless compared to just looking at it to see when the threshold was passed. I made it to be a simple, rough, visual guide but I can see some people might find it nice to also have a few stats with it. I'll look into adding some, perhaps with an option to toggle it on/off.

zoktiik commented 5 years ago

The reason for the stats is so you can get a better idea of when the lock will trigger; having this sort of information can help a user know under what specific conditions the lock might trigger from. The pie would also be more useful if it weren't just a smoothed progress bar, as the smoothing makes it harder to tell what the accelerometer is reporting at a given moment.

wesaphzt commented 5 years ago

Average, last and highest stats added https://github.com/wesaphzt/privatelock/commit/0cfce130fd48c5de01bf96ba0e1103c66f7f5833

wesaphzt commented 5 years ago

These are post-breach stats which should be adequate.