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Lint JavaScript block comments #50

Closed Robbert closed 8 years ago

Robbert commented 8 years ago

Block comments should either contain text or code.

All natural language in block comments must be prefixed with * like JSDoc comments, but it should not have /** at the start, but only one asterisk: /*

Commented out code blocks must be checked to have valid syntax, so editor could be configured to enable syntax highlighting for these blocks, but with faded colors.

For example:

/* FIXME: Move `new Loader` back to the upper scope, and reuse one loader for all `require` calls.
 * Because `require()` doesn't have an error callback specifically for that module and its
 * dependency tree, we need to use a workaround to get errors exclusively for one call:
 * create a `new Loader` for every require call. This way the `onerror` callback will only report
 * errors that are related.

var loader = new Choir.Loader(new Choir.URI('src/')),
builder = new Choir.Builder(loader);
Robbert commented 8 years ago

Perhaps we should also disallow n consecutive lines of line comments:

// XMLContentHandler.prototype.characters = function (data, offset, length)
// {
// };

Block comments are preferred.