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Setting up you development environment. #123

Closed calebcordry closed 7 years ago

calebcordry commented 7 years ago

Could you talk a bit about the things you do to prepare a development environment for a new project? For example if you are starting to make a quick app for the Javascript30 course, are you setting up a webpack-dev-server for prototyping etc?

wesbos commented 7 years ago

I always get up and running as fast as possible.

wesbos commented 7 years ago

(Hope that helps -feel free to ask more Qs below)

calebcordry commented 7 years ago

Thanks something like browser-sync is what I was looking for when I need something quick (I hadn't gotten to those videos yet). Also could you explain why your using Gulp & webpack for more complex apps, instead of just using webpack and some loaders?