wesbos / ama

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I would like to know somethings about creating a website like you have (wesbos.com). Please see my comment! #260

Open Abhimanyu310 opened 5 years ago

Abhimanyu310 commented 5 years ago

I am planning to create a similar website for myself (already bought the domain :) ). I will have some similar content like you (portfolio, about, skills, blog where I write articles of different technology I use).

  1. What tech stack have you used to create your website and different pages?

  2. I am planning to use Node.js and React.js as my main tools. I am mainly a backend guy so frontend isn't my strong point, but I have been learning some flexbox and css grid from your guides!

  3. How much css went into your website? I am planning to use the react-bootstrap package for my website, since I find that it is easy to get good looking stuff out for a newbie in css.

  4. But, since I now know flexbox and css grids, I might try setting up something myself or maybe using this in combination with bootstrap. Thoughts?