Closed chemicalkosek closed 2 years ago
Hey thanks for reporting this.
You were using the plain JS version, correct? What type of project was it?
Yes, plain JS, I've being using your config from the day it was released. It's a Nextjs project (initially based on your Advanced React course years ago) .eslintrc:
"extends": ["wesbos"],
"plugins": ["simple-import-sort"],
"rules": {
"react/no-multi-comp": "off",
"react/state-in-constructor": ["off"],
"react/jsx-props-no-spreading": "off",
"simple-import-sort/imports": "error",
"simple-import-sort/exports": "error",
"arrow-parens": ["error", "as-needed"]
"arrowParens": "avoid"
"dependencies": {
"@ant-design/icons": "^4.6.4",
"@apollo/client": "^3.4.10",
"@apollo/link-error": "^2.0.0-beta.3",
"@apollo/react-components": "^4.0.0",
"@apollo/react-ssr": "^4.0.0",
"@hookform/resolvers": "^2.8.0",
"@next/bundle-analyzer": "^11.1.2",
"@nivo/core": "^0.73.0",
"@nivo/line": "^0.73.0",
"@zeit/next-less": "^1.0.1",
"antd": "^4.16.13",
"babel-plugin-import": "^1.13.3",
"babel-plugin-styled-components": "^1.13.2",
"dayjs": "^1.10.6",
"graphql": "^15.5.3",
"less": "^4.1.1",
"less-vars-to-js": "1.3.0",
"next": "^11.1.2",
"next-with-apollo": "^5.2.1",
"nprogress": "^0.2.0",
"null-loader": "^4.0.1",
"prop-types": "^15.7.2",
"react": "^17.0.2",
"react-dom": "^17.0.2",
"react-hook-form": "^7.15.2",
"react-responsive": "^8.2.0",
"styled-components": "^5.3.1",
"yup": "^0.32.9"
"license": "MIT",
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/eslint-parser": "^7.15.4",
"@babel/preset-react": "^7.14.5",
"@types/node": "^16.9.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.31.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.31.0",
"babel-eslint": "^10.1.0",
"eslint": "^7.32.0",
"eslint-config-airbnb": "^18.2.1",
"eslint-config-airbnb-typescript": "^14.0.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^8.3.0",
"eslint-config-wesbos": "^2.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-html": "^6.1.2",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.24.2",
"eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "^6.4.1",
"eslint-plugin-node": "^11.1.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^4.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-react": "^7.25.1",
"eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "^4.2.0",
"eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort": "^7.0.0",
"prettier": "^2.4.0",
"typescript": "^4.4.2"
super helpful, thank you. Will have a lookski
Got a similar error when running npx install-peerdeps --dev eslint-config-wesbos
, and was able to resolve by first running @chemicalkosek 's code snippet then retrying. Wanted to share in case helpful. Thanks chemical!
install-peerdeps v3.0.3
Installing peerdeps for eslint-config-wesbos@latest.
npm install eslint-config-wesbos@2.0.1 @types/node@^16.7.13 @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@^4.31.0 @typescript-eslint/parser@^4.31.0 eslint@^7.32.0 eslint-config-airbnb@^18.2.1 eslint-config-airbnb-typescript@^14.0.0 eslint-config-prettier@^8.3.0 eslint-plugin-html@^6.1.2 eslint-plugin-import@^2.24.2 eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y@^6.4.1 eslint-plugin-prettier@^4.0.0 eslint-plugin-react@^7.25.1 eslint-plugin-react-hooks@^4.2.0 prettier@^2.3.2 typescript@^4.4.2 @babel/eslint-parser@^7.15.4 @babel/preset-react@^7.14.5 --save-dev
ERR undefined
I got the same issue on a fresh installed windows computer. Also npm install --save-dev @babel/core
solved it for me.
Hey I am getting the same errors above and is not helping Getting this error on all my js files
please help
@danil0man I've already asked in this thread:
I was getting the following error after upgrading to 2.0 (vscode) Error:
I have fixed it by doing
Not sure if it's an issue with
or something on my side.