wesleytodd / YeoPress

A Yeoman generator for WordPress
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Unable to use Gulp task runner as a default #161

Closed keeprock closed 9 years ago

keeprock commented 9 years ago

When installing Yeopress, I chose Gulp as my Task Runner. But in the end of installation I see "gulpfile.js missing!" and Grunt appears in theme folder with no signs of Gulp at all. Even in package.json

I use the latest version of YeoPress, Yeoman and Gulp/Grunt.

Does this a normal scenario and we should put our own gulpfile.js to build a processes we need or am I miss something?

Thanks in advance.

Toddses commented 9 years ago

Are you using the YeoPress theme?

keeprock commented 9 years ago

@Toddses Yeah

Toddses commented 9 years ago

That theme currently only supports Grunt. If you pull in your own theme, you can use gulp and include a gulpfile in there. Sorry for the confusion there. We should def make it more clear in a future release.

keeprock commented 9 years ago

@Toddses thanks for quick reply. Is it planned in future releases or its a good idea to fork it and make it by myself?

Toddses commented 9 years ago

Dude if you fork it and make a version of the theme that uses gulp, I am @wesleytodd would agree with me and we'd pull it into the project.

keeprock commented 9 years ago

@Toddses I got it :)

wesleytodd commented 9 years ago

For sure!!!!