wesleytodd / YeoPress

A Yeoman generator for WordPress
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wordpress:plugin where are you going?! #175

Open mortensassi opened 8 years ago

mortensassi commented 8 years ago

When i hit

yo wordpress:plugin

yeopress seems to install regardless where i am (pwd) into > wp-content/plugins/

When i take a look in the wp-backend/plugins no plugins appears. Even then when i copy the plugin in content/plugins/ - What am i doing wrong?

thanks anyways... This is just one of the greatest things i've found for myself :+1:

webjazznl commented 8 years ago

Having the same issue here. Using Wordpress 4.4.1 which got installed fine using yeopress. Then did yo wordpress:plugins wordpress-seo. It installed the plug-in but it does not get listed. When I try installing the same plug-in through the wordpress back-end it tells me the plug-in is already installed. However there is no trace of it anywhere in the plug-in list or anywhere else in wp-admin.

Thank you for your time!

webjazznl commented 8 years ago

I now know what is going wrong here. the generator unpacks the plugin in the wrong place. In the case of wordpress-seo plugin, it unpacks in:


This leads to the issue described by me in my previous post. Moving everything one directory up made everything work.

Would it be possible for you to fix this? My knowledge of yeoman plugins is non existent....

wesleytodd commented 8 years ago

I probably cannot get to it any time soon. Recently took over a bunch more responsibility at work. But if you take a look here you might be able to easily figure it out: https://github.com/wesleytodd/YeoPress/blob/master/plugin/index.js

Try just logging out the paths it uses :)