wesleytodd / YeoPress

A Yeoman generator for WordPress
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Custom theme folder is blank #187

Open sic-craig opened 7 years ago

sic-craig commented 7 years ago

Everything runs smoothly until 'Setting up theme'.

I then get 'package.json' missing, though there is a package.json file in the repo I'm pulling from.

WP is installed now problem, but the folder I created for my theme is blank other than a 'master.tar.gz' file - which won't unzip. here's my terminal window.

Feel free to look at the package.json or anything else in the theme - https://github.com/sic-craig/sic-theme

screen shot 2017-02-21 at 12 39 09

sic-craig commented 7 years ago

Anybody any info on this? I've read all the docs, searched other issues etc but no luck. Thanks

wesleytodd commented 7 years ago

Sorry I am not much help. Did you try running with -v?

brmullikin commented 7 years ago

Hi @sic-craig -v would be helpful. It recognized the package.json file and did the npm install successfully for me when I specified your custom theme.

screenshot 2017-02-24 09 23 39

I see that this issue was from 3 days ago but 2 days ago you corrected a syntax error in your package.json file: https://github.com/sic-craig/sic-theme/commit/18852f09dd6d30709356b759f82318b7e225f87b.

Was that the issue? Is it working now?

sic-craig commented 7 years ago

Hi @wesleytodd @brmullikin thanks for the responses. -v doesn't seem to do anything, --verbose gave the following output:

Options: { "verbose": true, "env": { "domain": null, "_events": {}, "_eventsCount": 1, "arguments": [], "options": {}, "adapter": {}, "cwd": "/Users/craigivemy/sites/mytestsite.com", "store": { "_generators": {}, "_meta": { "wordpress:app": { "resolved": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/generator-wordpress/app/index.js", "namespace": "wordpress:app" }, "wordpress:plugin": { "resolved": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/generator-wordpress/plugin/index.js", "namespace": "wordpress:plugin" }, "wordpress:theme": { "resolved": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/generator-wordpress/theme/index.js", "namespace": "wordpress:theme" } } }, "runLoop": { "queueNames": [ "initializing", "prompting", "configuring", "default", "writing", "conflicts", "install", "end" ], "queues": { "initializing": { "queue": [] }, "prompting": { "queue": [] }, "configuring": { "queue": [] }, "default": { "queue": [] }, "writing": { "queue": [] }, "conflicts": { "queue": [] }, "install": { "queue": [] }, "end": { "queue": [] } }, "_maxListeners": 0 }, "sharedFs": { "domain": null, "_events": {}, "_eventsCount": 0, "_maxListeners": 0 }, "lookups": [ ".", "generators", "lib/generators" ], "aliases": [ { "match": {}, "value": "$1:app" } ] }, "resolved": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/generator-wordpress/app/index.js", "namespace": "wordpress:app", "argv": { "remain": [], "cooked": [], "original": [] }, "skip-cache": false, "log": "verbose" }


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      A Yeoman Generator For WordPress

Getting current WP version Got current WP version: 4.7.2 ? WordPress URL http://mytestsite.com ? Table prefix wp_ ? Database host localhost ? Database name wpmytestsite ? Database user root ? Database password ? Use Git? Yes ? Would you like to install WordPress as a submodule? No ? Would you like to install WordPress with the custom directory structure? No ? Install a custom theme? Yes ? Destination directory sic-theme ? Theme source type (git/tar) git ? Task runner (grunt/gulp) gulp ? GitHub username sic-craig ? GitHub repository name sic-theme ? Repository branch master ? Does this all look correct? Yes User Input: { "wpVer": "4.7.2", "url": "http://mytestsite.com", "tablePrefix": "wp", "dbHost": "localhost", "dbName": "wp_mytestsite", "dbUser": "root", "dbPass": "", "git": true, "submodule": false, "customDirs": false, "installTheme": true, "themeDir": "sic-theme", "themeType": "git", "themeTaskRunner": "gulp", "themeUser": "sic-craig", "themeRepo": "sic-theme", "themeBranch": "master", "wpDir": ".", "contentDir": "wp-content" }

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Copying .gitignore file Initializing Git Git init complete Installing WordPress 4.7.2 (!) #_ is deprecated. Require your own version of Lodash or underscore.string WordPress installed Getting salt keys Salt keys: "define('AUTH_KEY', 'Y.}UY+p.LJNDE,||e5Igc+J +ag;-Z/6V(P_J?[{?Mx13M.lUVDxWQYiT-QkKA<1');\ndefine('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'kpLZ-uP)}C<DpvQ:ACON8r)Sf-C|Mlkm#<6+r8Vbj&+dGUs}/O1_nBOl<V_A-$P=');\ndefine('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'iAxi!#zmy{tKygeOR$GOH>-{pVl+Q{)i:E]A|XXq5_d9Ao[V#2c_K+j_a&g}BRG');\ndefine('NONCE_KEY', 'sJdQ~S+Ypq+d,)7V|L47?$)a-2 M~UWVhPbSX|:kbtu=g|5.p*|$i8x,J=S;DN');\ndefine('AUTH_SALT', 'S= 7,U%+G$pH5Lxz{twwyCmj5&I5sbOz0TC%(Fg0t5#hP--d9EQK s/Fq|V)7vy ');\ndefine('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'm{Lj%j57or+AHQD>.4m|TWMY=m1fWFAgn#4EyDO 6|KLs@D6l-lRb}T~N=B-aWpG');\ndefine('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'G z.F^y$<,&D(3M/$/IY+Z0d2}C),&6b@@EXPT3xOM-.<GO+>~y(bPZxy4Z+-U*');\ndefine('NONCE_SALT', 'F|Hw/=SRvkAh!aL~w%6MNF7e;;K8hc}E[56XB2g4qw!9MfK]-0<$Oz)9:Ky/W/dz');\n" Copying wp-config Writing WP files to disk Done WP writing files Setting Permissions: 0755 on . Done setting permissions on . Setting Permissions: 0775 on wp-content Done setting permissions on wp-content Committing WP to Git Done committing: { "branch": "master", "commit": "(root-commit) 501ffa9", "summary": { "changes": "1702", "insertions": "550691", "deletions": 0 } } Starting to install theme Theme install complete Writing theme files to disk Done writing theme files Starting theme setup Setting Up Theme package.json missing! Theme setup complete Committing theme to Git Done committing: Writing .yeopress file

All Done!!

I tried my best to set things up, but I'm only human right? wink wink So, you should probably check your wp-config.php to make sure all the settings work on your environment. Have fun pressing your words!

Done writing .yeopress file Craigs-iMac:mytestsite.com craigivemy$

brmullikin commented 7 years ago

@sic-craig I can't reproduce your issue. Are you getting the same error for, say, https://github.com/roots/sage/tree/8.5.0 (github user: roots, repo: age, branch: 8.5.0)?

sic-craig commented 7 years ago

@brmullikin very sorry for the delay on my part, have been totally consumed by another project. In answer to your question, no I don't get the same error. If I run npm install from my custom theme directory, the package.json is used as normal though.

sic-craig commented 7 years ago

Interestingly @brmullikin @wesleytodd , if I replace the contents of my package.json with the roots/sage package.json, yeopress still states it is missing.

sic-craig commented 7 years ago

@brmullikin @wesleytodd are there any other requirements of a custom theme in order for Yeopress to be able to install it. As I said, the sage theme installs fine, but even with their package.json mine doesn't - still complaining that the file is missing. Yet if I run npm install within my directory, npm successfully installs the packages.

Why does the theme not install without a package.json? Let's say it actually wasn't there - would you expect the installation to fail? Or is it a requirement to have a package.json file?

I'd really like to get Yeopress into our company workflow!

brmullikin commented 7 years ago

@sic-craig I'm still unable to reproduce your issue on my end. When I select your theme it installs fine. I've tried it on two different machines. Not really sure how to help you troubleshoot further.

What version of Node, NPM, Yo, and YeoPress are you using?