wesleytodd / YeoPress

A Yeoman generator for WordPress
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Replace wrench with chmodr #194

Closed JordanKnott closed 4 years ago

JordanKnott commented 5 years ago

Wrench is now considered deprecated so switch to the chmodr library for handling file permissions.

wesleytodd commented 5 years ago

Hi @JordanKnott, I am not actively maintaining this anymore, but am willing to help steward PR's and what not for people who are. In this case, it seems reasonable, but is not following the existing formatting/style conventions. If you get it consistent, I am willing to merge and run a test and publish.

If you are using this, and want to actively contribute then I would be happy to add you as a contributor once I trust that you will be a contentious maintainer :)

JordanKnott commented 5 years ago

@wesleytodd I've fixed the formatting, how does it look now?

I'm definitely interested in actively contributing, any ideas on what could be worked on?

JordanKnott commented 5 years ago

As a side note, this commit solves issue #183 & #191 (it's marked closed but was never actually resolved)

JordanKnott commented 5 years ago

@wesleytodd Are there any other style changes that need to be done?

alextegelid commented 5 years ago

@JordanKnott Super that you're willing to help. Let's hope @wesleytodd will merge this as I find this generator extremely useful.

Do you know if it's possible to manually patch the npm package with the changes you've made in the meantime?

wesleytodd commented 5 years ago

Hey, sorry I have been busy with work and life lately. I will try to look at these tonight. If everything looks good I will not only merge and publish but add you (@JordanKnott) as a contributor so you don't need to wait on me in the future. Sorry for the delay.

JordanKnott commented 5 years ago

@alextegelid Since it seems like it might be awhile until this gets merged, one option would be to use the npm link command and install the package using my fork. I don't know of any other way through npm to patch though :smile:

alextegelid commented 5 years ago

I've manually (and painfully ;) ) set up the installation that led me to this issue in the first place. If this isn't merged by the time to set up my next project I'll look into npm link. Thanks for the tip!

JordanKnott commented 5 years ago

@wesleytodd Any progress on merging this into master or does it still need some more work?

strafe-creative commented 5 years ago

Can someone please merge this?

JordanKnott commented 5 years ago

@wesleytodd I'm still watching this PR so if any changes need to be done before it can be merged, let me know. It seems like this PR would help a few people.

manel commented 5 years ago

@JordanKnott I've applied your changes to my local generator and it worked perfectly. Thanks for fixing it. @wesleytodd is it possible to merge this PR, please?

JordanKnott commented 5 years ago

@manel Happy it helped someone! I don't think it's going to be merged into master anytime soon though....

vburlak commented 4 years ago

Have the same issue. @wesleytodd any way to merge this? Thanks!

wesleytodd commented 4 years ago

I added @JordanKnott in the past as a contributor, maybe they moved on from this? My guess is this probably shouldn't be used anymore, but I am so far removed from this ecosystem that I dont know if there is anything to replace it with. Sorry!

JordanKnott commented 4 years ago

@wesleytodd Odd, I never saw that I was added a contributor. I'm still watching this pull request though I don't actually use this tool anymore.

JordanKnott commented 4 years ago

@wesleytodd I just checked, I'm not able to merge pull requests.

wesleytodd commented 4 years ago

Oops! I read my comment above and thought I had done it. You are added now!