wesleytodd / YeoPress

A Yeoman generator for WordPress
1.08k stars 163 forks source link

package.json missing when using tarball url #197

Open smoglica opened 5 years ago

smoglica commented 5 years ago
>> Installing WordPress 5.0.2
     info ... Fetching https://github.com/wordpress/wordpress/archive/5.0.2.tar.gz ...
     info This might take a few moments
.✔ Done in /home/yeopress/.cache/yeoman/wordpress/wordpress/5.0.2
(!) #_ is deprecated. Require your own version of Lodash or underscore.string
>> WordPress installed
>> Getting salt keys
>> Writing WP files to disk
>> Setting Permissions: 0755 on .
>> Setting Permissions: 0775 on wp-content
>> Cannot access database
>> Make sure you create the database and update the credentials in the wp-config.php
>> Starting to install theme
     info ... Fetching https://github.com/wesleytodd/YeoPress/archive/template.tar.gz ...
     info This might take a few moments
.✔ Done in wp-content/themes/yeopress
>> Writing theme files to disk
>> Starting theme setup
Setting Up Theme
package.json missing!
>> Writing .yeopress file

All Done!!

I tried my best to set things up, but I'm only human right? **wink wink**
So, you should probably check your `wp-config.php` to make sure all the settings work on your environment.
Have fun pressing your words!

My config in .yeopress

    "git": false,
    "dbHost": "db-host",
    "dbName": "db-name",
    "dbUser": "db-user",
    "dbPass": "db-pass",
    "wpVer": "5.0.2",
    "url": "http://localhost",
    "tablePrefix": "wp_",
    "customDirs": false,
    "installTheme": true,
    "themeDir": "yeopress",
    "themeType": "tar",
    "themeTaskRunner": "grunt",
    "themeTarballUrl": "https://github.com/wesleytodd/YeoPress/archive/template.tar.gz",
    "wpDir": ".",
    "contentDir": "wp-content",
    "port": "8080",

The reason why cannot see the package.json is due to the unzipped folder which is inserted in the themeDir(yeopress) instead of extracting the files and transfer them in the yeopress folder.

screenshot 2018-12-20 at 01 26 49