weslly / ColorPicker

Color picker for Sublime Text
510 stars 109 forks source link

New vs Old Color Picker Speed #79

Open omenos opened 8 years ago

omenos commented 8 years ago

First off, thanks for the great plugin! Absolute time saver! But there is one thing I've noticed:

When using the Default Windows color picker, the UI is nice in fluid when dragging around the color spectrum and the number values update in "realtime". However, in the New color picker, the UI is VERY LAGGY. As in the picker is a good centimeter behind my mouse drag and the values are very slow to update. When using the picker it looks like it's trying to refresh the entire window in a top-to-bottom scanline fashion, especially when using the sidebar to scroll through the spectrum.

But other than some of the other issues like it opening in the background the first time and this, the picker is great! Keep it up!