wesnolte / jOrgChart

A jQuery plugin to draw tree-like structures such as OrgCharts.
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Added compatibility with older versions #10

Closed Shinruchan closed 12 years ago

Shinruchan commented 12 years ago


I've added option "useID", which is false by default. In false mode, tree used html(), for calculating like it used to. In true mode, it uses IDs. If useID is true and id is missing, it is automatic created. (This also enables compatibility with older version even if useID is true).

I haven't tested it a lot, but as far as I have, it works fine. (If this got trough fine, we have ability to create easy functions for adding/deleting nodes.)

wesnolte commented 12 years ago

Hey thanks very much for this but I'd prefer it if the feature pulled the Ids across automatically if they exist - maybe into a composite id and with any boolean flag e.g. if one of the elements has no id and no class then nothing happens; if another has a class and no id then the class is pulled across; and if in another there is an id and a class then the class is pulled across and (id + "-node") is pulled across. I think that more extensible.

Shinruchan commented 12 years ago

I am not sure, I get what you mean right away. But when I'll have some spare time I might look into it. Unless someone else do it be4 :P