wesnoth / wesnoth

An open source, turn-based strategy game with a high fantasy theme.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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EI: In S11 Captured, The Player Can Acquire the Ring of Invisibility Item Before Triggering the Breakout #8989

Closed IskarJarak01 closed 2 weeks ago

IskarJarak01 commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the desired feature

In Eastern Invasion, S11 Captured, there is an equippable Ring of Invisibility Item.

One of the player's veterans disguises themselves. This veteran can then freely move around - without alerting the guards and starting the breakout - and go acquire the Ring early. The Ring is "guarded" by a Goblin that flees with the line "Aaah! Humans! Run away run away!" when revealed / sighted. The Ring shares a hex with the Goblin and can't be picked up until the Goblin flees or dies.

This could be resolved by not triggering the flee event until after the breakout has started and the player's units won't be disguised. This would also require a fallback event to handle the case where the Goblin has been sighted before the breakout is triggered.

This is a fairly minor advantage but the other exploits for Captured have all been purged so I thought I should note it.

Dalas121 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the report! Unless you object I'll plan to leave this one in - 1) like you said it's fairly minor, and 2) a curious player might easily discover this on their first playthrough, as contrasted with the removed 'exploits' requiring either foreknowledge or luck.

IskarJarak01 commented 2 weeks ago

I don't have much of an issue with this either, so I'll just close it.