weso / hercules-ontology

Development of the Ontology and its Continuos Integration for the Hercules project.
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[WIP] Add sparql query for CQ025 #61

Closed alejgh closed 4 years ago

alejgh commented 4 years ago


CQ025 #40: Obtener el listado de los trabajos que he dirigido/codirigido ya sean de grado (TFG), máster (TFM), o tesis doctorales.

Proposed query

PREFIX wb: <http://hercules-demo.wiki.opencura.com/entity/>
PREFIX wbt: <http://hercules-demo.wiki.opencura.com/prop/direct/>

SELECT ?phdThesesLabel ?authorLabel (year(?publicationDate) as ?publicationYear) ?publicationDate WHERE {
  ?phdTheses wbt:P1 wb:Q74 ;       # get entities of type PhdThesis
             wbt:P15 ?supervisor ;
             wbt:P10 ?author .
  OPTIONAL { ?phdTheses wbt:P14 ?publicationDate . }
  ?supervisor rdfs:label ?supervisorLabel .
  FILTER(?supervisorLabel = "José Emilio Labra Gayo"@es) # supervised by José Emilio Labra Gayo
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],es" .
ORDER BY ASC(?phdThesesLabel)

Link to execute


Additional comments

We still need to add TFGs and TFMs to the ontology and to the query before we can close this pull request. For the moment we are taking into account just PHD Theses

alejgh commented 4 years ago

TFGs and TFMs have been added to the ontology, I will add more instances to our Wikibase and update the query.

alejgh commented 4 years ago

I will close this PR and add a new one with new instances of TFGs and TFMs and the updated query.