weso / hercules-ontology

Development of the Ontology and its Continuos Integration for the Hercules project.
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Add sparql query for CQ029 #63

Closed alejgh closed 4 years ago

alejgh commented 4 years ago


CQ029 #43: Obtener el listado de mi producción científica.

Proposed query

PREFIX wb: <http://hercules-demo.wiki.opencura.com/entity/>
PREFIX wbt: <http://hercules-demo.wiki.opencura.com/prop/direct/>

SELECT DISTINCT ?publicationLabel ?publisherLabel (year(?publicationDate) as ?publicationYear) WHERE {
  ?author wbt:P1 wb:Q44 ;                # get entities of type Teaching and research personnel
          wbt:P11 ?publication .         # with publications
  ?publication wbt:P1 ?publicationType .
  ?publicationType (wbt:P4)* wb:Q47 .    # publications that are subclasses of Publication (Q47)
  ?author rdfs:label ?authorLabel .
    ?publication wbt:P14 ?publicationDate ;
                 wbt:P9 ?publisher .
  FILTER(?authorLabel = "Paco Calvo"@es) # authored by Paco Calvo
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],es" .
ORDER BY ASC(?publicationLabel)

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