weso / umlShaclex

Converter from ShEx/SHACL to UML-like diagrams
MIT License
7 stars 1 forks source link

License #1

Open berezovskyi opened 6 years ago

berezovskyi commented 6 years ago

https://opensource.stackexchange.com/questions/1640/if-im-using-a-gpl-3-library-in-my-project-can-i-license-my-project-under-mit-l says that anything that uses GPL becomes GPL. Do you think that MIT is appropriate for umlShaclex?

labra commented 6 years ago

You may be right.

However, when I was going to change the umlShaclex license to GPL, I read the plantuml FAQ and they have this answer:

I don't like GPL! You can also use: LGPL license Apache license Eclipse Public license MIT license Those versions miss few features (DITAA for example), but are 100% able to generate UML diagrams.

So it seems that it is possible to use a non-GPL version of plantuml.

I need to see if I can choose the non-GPL version from Maven (maybe I should include the jar directly).

berezovskyi commented 6 years ago

Yes, I checked this on maven too but there seems to be no non-GPL version on Maven. See http://forum.plantuml.net/7105/apache-or-mit-in-mvn-repository?show=7105#q7105