west-gates / 3DCNN-Vis

Visual Explanations From Deep 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Alzheimer's Disease Classification
70 stars 12 forks source link

Hi, I don't have GPU so it gives this error, can you plz guide me on how i can run it on Cpu? #3

Open elliotresearcher opened 3 years ago

elliotresearcher commented 3 years ago

Hi, I don't have GPU so it gives this error, can you plz guide me on how i can run it on Cpu? ~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\lasagne\layers\dnn.py in () 1 import theano ----> 2 from theano.sandbox.cuda import dnn 3 4 from .. import init 5 from .. import nonlinearities

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\theano\sandbox\cudainit.py in () 57 # is_nvcc_available called here to initialize global vars in 58 # nvcc_compiler module ---> 59 nvcc_compiler.is_nvcc_available() 60 61 # Compile cuda_ndarray.cu

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\theano\sandbox\cuda\nvcc_compiler.py in is_nvcc_available() 28 29 """ ---> 30 if not config.cuda.enabled: 31 return False 32

AttributeError: 'SubObj' object has no attribute 'enabled'

west-gates commented 3 years ago

Hey @elliotresearcher I think some theano 3D CNN API is only based on cuDNN. Not sure this could be run on CPU.