westbywest / robin-mesh-v2

Derivative of the ROBIN Mesh Firmware http://wiki-robin.meshroot.com/
4 stars 19 forks source link

Having portal spoof Apple devices #1

Open westbywest opened 11 years ago

westbywest commented 11 years ago

Cloning relevant issue from Commotion-OpenWRT: https://code.commotionwireless.net/issues/482

This line needs to be added to the pre-authenticated dnsmasq.conf file:


This will prevent apple devices and computers from auto authenticating splash screens (so folks who connect can see the local content we want to show over commotion splash).

When apple devices connect to a wifi spot, they auto-ping apple.com, but if the rule is changed to for apple.com, it tricks the device into not auto authenticating. After authentication, the dnsmasq needs to remove this rule, otherwise apple.com will be completely inaccessible over the whole network...

(Thanks to Jonathan Baldwin)