westerndevs / western-devs-website

Hexo blog implementation for WesternDevs
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Global and individual RSS feeds no worky #209

Closed kbaley closed 6 years ago

kbaley commented 6 years ago

The links to our RSS feed (https://westerndevs.com/feed) don't work. Same with the individual RSS links (e.g. https://westerndevs.com/feeds/dave_paquette). Appending .xml to the URLs fixes them but doesn't fix existing links to the current URLs.

It's likely this is due to the move from GH pages to S3 as I think GH pages has automatic redirects for .xml files.

Also, technically the iTunes feed is affected but it seems to still be working fine.

kbaley commented 6 years ago

Some investigation done so far:

Current "fix" will be just to update the URLs on the site to include .xml. This doesn't fix external broken links though. Are we concerned about those?