westerndigitalcorporation / swerv-ISS

Western Digital’s Open Source RISC-V SweRV Instruction Set Simulator
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Running in lockstep with Verilog simulator #16

Open weedmank opened 4 years ago

weedmank commented 4 years ago

"It can also run in lock step with a Verilog simulator serving as a "golden model" against which an implementation is checked after each instruction of a test program."

Do you have documentation how use your ISS "in lock step" with Modelsim/Questasim? I have one open source design I'm creating (www.hdlexpress.com see RisKy1) that I'd like to try and use your ISS with. I'm at a point where I can compile C & assembly code and run the code in my System Verilog simulations of my RTL design.