westerveltco / django-twc-project

A Django template for all web applications at The Westervelt Company
MIT License
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add common subcommands to the top-level `Justfile` #275

Closed joshuadavidthomas closed 2 months ago

joshuadavidthomas commented 2 months ago

closes #205 closes #251

Command Description
bootstrap Prepare local environment by installing dependencies and building Docker containers
clean Delete cache, coverage, and dependency directories and stop and delete Docker containers including volumes
console* Open a bash shell in a Docker container
down Stop docker compose stack
lint Lint project
lock Generate lockfiles for all project tools
logs Print Docker Compose logs
migrate Run Django migrations
makemigrations/mm Generate Django migrations
manage Run Django management command
refresh** Bring down Docker Compose stack, bootstrap local environment, and start Docker Compose stack in the background
setup Clean and bootstrap local environment, start Docker Compose stack, run Django migrations and create superuser account, and run tests, type checkers, and linters
shell* Open a Docker container's runtime console (e.g. a Python REPL, psql, etc.)
start Start the Docker Compose stack in the background
stop Stop the Docker Compose stack
tail Follow the Docker Compose logs
test Run all project tests, including generating code coverage
up Start the Docker Compose stack in the foreground
update Pull latest Docker images, lock Python and Node dependencies, and bootstrap local environment
upgrade Bump dependencies to latest versions

Breaking Changes

*console and shell commands have been swapped **server command has been renamed to refresh and changed to starting the compose stack detached at the end, instead of in the foreground