westlicht / performer

PER|FORMER Eurorack Sequencer
MIT License
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Feature Request: Multiple Curve CV inputs. #294

Open kurtjoy opened 3 years ago

kurtjoy commented 3 years ago

As the title says, be able to have multiple CV ins for different curve tracks. Heres my problem, I have an Intellijel Tetrapad that can put out multiple channels of CV control and gates. What I have been currently doing is using the Y position of the slider as Unipolar 5V (Project/Curve track CV) and the pressure as a gate to punch in overdub recording (Routing/record/source CV) on a unipolar 5V curve track. This works great as I can basically draw on the curve when the performer is playing. If I add a second Bipolar CV track, I can set up a second slider to act as a bipolar 5V signal, but to use it I have to physically unplug both CV and gate from the unipolar slider and move them to the bipolar slider.

What I'd love to be able to do is have both sliders connected (Unipolar CV + gate into CV1 and 2, and Bipolar CV + gate into CV3 and 3).. To do this I guess there would need to be A) the ability to select multiple CV inputs routed to Curve tracks and B) overdub record routing in which a track could be selected.

Hopefully this makes sense..

