westlicht / performer

PER|FORMER Eurorack Sequencer
MIT License
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Change request: Reset behaviour #319

Open controller700 opened 3 years ago

controller700 commented 3 years ago

If Performer is stopped it immediately jumps back to step 1. The irritating thing about this is that all CV outs are reset to 0V in this moment - even if the 1st steps of the tracks have other values than 0V. Curve tracks don´t do this and hold the last voltage value. When I have a track playing with long decaying notes and press stop all VCO pitches drops to lowest C (=0V) while the note is still audible and that´s somehow annoying.

Expected behaviour: Performer stops at the step position where it currently is and the CV values for all steps are held. If reset to step 1 all CV outs output the values of step 1 on all tracks even if the sequencer is not playing yet. That would make composing and performing more enjoyable and predictable.

bithod commented 2 years ago

This behaviour really sucks. All of my oscillators suddenly drop in pitch when a reset occurs. In fact - its unusable.

Please can we update this so that there is no drop in voltage when a reset occurs?