westlicht / performer

PER|FORMER Eurorack Sequencer
MIT License
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Bug: Toggle Record using CC#64 makes E4 (midi note 64) disappear #340

Open rolfjack opened 2 years ago

rolfjack commented 2 years ago

This is related to my original feature request here: https://github.com/westlicht/performer/issues/273 The feature works great, apart from the quirk outlined below.

I have set up record toggle using the sustain pedal on my keyboard which triggers a CC#64 message on midi out. Westlicht Performer correctly recognizes this and toggles record. However, it seems that the for the channel specified in the midi routing setup, the NOTE of the same number as the CC message disappears. So when using CC#64 the note E4 (midi note number 64) disappears.

If midi channel is set to OMNI the note (E4) disappears on all channels. If midi is set to a specific channel it is only the E4 on the specified channel that disappears. So if I send midi on two or more channels simultaneously while only using a single channel for the record toggle, Performer registers the notes correctly when recording.

Changing the CC msg number correspondingly change the note that is not being registered. For instance when using CC#65 the note F4 (note 65) goes missing.

The above behavior was experienced using firmware version 41 (the most recent at the time of writing).

Thank you for your great work. Regards, Rolf