westlicht / performer

PER|FORMER Eurorack Sequencer
MIT License
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Upon stop, a NOTE track's CV output immediately returns to 0V #381

Open ThenCameNow opened 6 months ago

ThenCameNow commented 6 months ago

When the Performer is stopped, a NOTE track's CV output immediately returns to 0V. If there's a sustain on the last note of a sequence and the final note is anything other than 0V, that last note will abruptly change to 0V upon STOP, sometimes ruining the end of a piece.

Although, if a track is in CURVE mode, it retains the current voltage on STOP.

Can a NOTE track do the same ? I hope you can put this on your list of TTD.

mebitek commented 6 months ago

Try this fork: https://github.com/mebitek/performer It includes your request and much more.