westonganger / paper_trail-association_tracking

Plugin for the PaperTrail gem to track and reify associations
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Allow to customize/extend `PaperTrail::VersionAssociation` #45

Closed sobrinho closed 3 months ago

sobrinho commented 1 year ago

Hi there!

We have a separate database for PaperTrail::Version and PaperTrail::VersionAssociation but we can't find a good way of implementing this.

Currently we are doing something like this:

require 'paper_trail/version'
require 'paper_trail/version_association'

module PaperTrail
  class Version < ActiveRecord::Base
    # Rails requires a abstract class for no reason to call connects_to, but we
    # can't use one since the class will mismatch with the gem.
    self.abstract_class = true
    connects_to database: { normal: :auditing, dirty: :auditing }
    self.abstract_class = false

    self.table_name = "auditing.versions"

module PaperTrail
  class VersionAssociation < ActiveRecord::Base
    # Rails requires a abstract class for no reason to call connects_to, but we
    # can't use one since the class will mismatch with the gem.
    self.abstract_class = true
    connects_to database: { normal: :auditing, dirty: :auditing }
    self.abstract_class = false

    self.table_name = "auditing.version_associations"

Although, this creates an issue by creating two separate connection pools:

#=> 188700
#=> 188720

Therefore it creates an issue with our FK between version_associations and versions.

To share the connection pool, we need to create an abstract class and inherit from it, like this:

class ApplicationVersion < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.abstract_class = true
  connects_to database: { normal: :auditing, dirty: :auditing }

class Version < ApplicationVersion
  include PaperTrail::VersionConcern
  self.table_name = 'auditing.versions'

class VersionAssociation < ApplicationVersion
  include PaperTrailAssociationTracking::VersionAssociationConcern
  self.table_name = 'auditing.version_associations'

While we can replace the Version class with a config option like this:

class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_paper_trail versions: { class_name: 'Version' }

There's no similar option for this gem.

There are explicit class directly to PaperTrail::VersionAssociation in the gem that could be replaced to use a config option, i.e.:



Those could be replaced by something like or something:


In our use case, we don't need different classes per model (as supported by paper_trail) but for the application as a whole, which facilitates things here a little bit.


westonganger commented 1 year ago

Instead of

module PaperTrail
  class Version < ActiveRecord::Base

module PaperTrail
  class VersionAssociation < ActiveRecord::Base

What happens if you use

PaperTrail::Version.class_eval do

PaperTrail::VersionAssociation.class_eval do
sobrinho commented 1 year ago

I can't use class_eval because that creates two connection pools:

#=> 188700
#=> 188720

Rails is also tricky at that part because it requires you to be in an abstract class to replace the connection:

PaperTrail::Version.class_eval do
  connects_to database: { normal: :auditing, dirty: :auditing }
NotImplementedError: `connects_to` can only be called on ActiveRecord::Base or abstract classes
from /Users/sobrinho/.gem/ruby/2.7.6/gems/activerecord- `connects_to'

We can workaround by doing that (very dirty):

PaperTrail::Version.class_eval do
  self.abstract_class = true
  connects_to database: { normal: :auditing, dirty: :auditing }
  self.abstract_class = false

But then by using the two connection pools, FKs doesn't work in a transaction because Rails will use two separate connections thinking that they are two separate DBs.