westurner / woodworking

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DOC: Disaster Relief and Post-Apocalyptic Woodworking / Carpentry #5

Open westurner opened 3 years ago

westurner commented 3 years ago
westurner commented 3 years ago
westurner commented 3 years ago

From "13 DIY Home Improvements You May Not Know You Need a Permit For" https://www.familyhandyman.com/list/diy-home-improvements-you-need-a-permit-for/ :

If you're getting ready to start a DIY project, then chances are you've been going through a mental or physical checklist to make sure you've covered everything that's required. But, did you know that even simple projects can sometimes require a building permit? What follows is a list of common tasks that require permits in many locations. Because permit requirements are determined on a municipal basis, you'll need to check with your local building department about what applies to you.


Emergency Repairs Almost all municipalities allow for “stabilization” without a permit. In other words, if a tree limb punches a hole in your roof and you patch it with a piece of plywood and a tarp, no one is going to complain. However, once you’re ready to make the permanent repair, you almost always have to go through the regular permit procedure. The good news is that many areas allow for expedited permits for emergency repairs, or even allow work to begin while the permit is still in process.

Again, it’s good to remember that the building department is run by human beings who are sympathetic to homeowners in a bad position. As long as you keep them apprised of the situation, you can almost always make the system work for you. (Pro tip: when doing an emergency repair, snap several photos so that you can show why it was needed, just in case!) And if that limb really did a number on your roof, here’s how to find and repair roof leaks.


westurner commented 3 years ago




westurner commented 3 years ago