wet-boew / cdts-DotNetTemplates

Documentation for CDTS
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Updating from .netcoreapp3.x to .net6.0 #69

Open sgdowney opened 5 months ago

sgdowney commented 5 months ago

Hello, I've created a fork where I've replaced all .netcoreapp3. target framework references with .net6.0. Along with that update, I removed/replaced all of the deprecated packages that were being referenced. The fork is located at https://github.com/sgdowney/cdts-DotNetTemplates/tree/update_frameworks

I created locally deployed packages that were then used to update the sample applications as well.

I left the .Net Framework version at 4.7.2 for now, but probably should be updated to 4.8 at some point as well.

I was not able to update the Blazor sample project. Reading up on Blazor, the documentation cautions against using javascript to modify the DOM as Blazor tracks and manages the DOM. This can lead to DOM corruption causing application failures or security concerns. As CDTS and WET rely heavily on DOM manipulation, I don't think Blazor as a platform can be supported by WET/CDTS.

ahmad-shahid commented 5 months ago

Hello, the .NET templates should be compatible with .NET 6 without needing to change anything.

We are still at 4.7.2 to meet clients' needs but will update eventually.

sgdowney commented 5 months ago

The change isn't about being compatible with .NET 6 but removing references to unsupported frameworks and deprecated packages. Several of the dependencies have been deprecated for quite some time now and .netcoreapp has been out of support for a long time as well.