wet-boew / generator-wet-boew-theme

Yo generator for WET theme development
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Compressing/Processing images #13

Closed delisma closed 9 years ago

delisma commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to automate the process of scaling images for hi-res screen and/or different @media-queries (i.e min-width: 300px than load 'image-medium.jpg') with Yeoman or Grunt? So that it could be possible to use them in conjunction with the data-picture plugin.

Thanks and keep the good work!

LaurentGoderre commented 9 years ago

@ElismaD I am not sure this belongs in the theme repository. This repository is for building the theme only and therefore we do no process content.

That being said, you could look into using grunt for your own site and add such tasks to help you

delisma commented 9 years ago

I see now, the thinking behind the question was that in case some images were used in the theme too, at different resolution depending on the viewport. But those images could (or should) be processed as SVG with a PNG file for fallback instead of trying to figure out the best image resolution for the different viewport size. Which now makes more sense to me.

LaurentGoderre commented 9 years ago

We are trying to no be opinionated to leave freedom to developers but it's probably possible