wet-boew / wet-boew-api-standards

Possible requirements for Government of Canada APIs based on the White House standards
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Translation please! #2

Closed MaryBethBaker closed 10 years ago

MaryBethBaker commented 10 years ago

Morning @thomasgohard @jeresiv

We forked the White House App content on Github... could either translated it, or get it translated for us?

Thanks, Mary Beth

dyomides commented 10 years ago

Should we wait for a near final version before asking for translation? Otherwise we'll have to keep track of all changes.

MaryBethBaker commented 10 years ago

@dyomides I wanted to make sure all of our colleagues could review this documentation. I don't think we will worry about keeping them in sync... but having an initial French version to allow people to participate in the discussion seems valuable to me.

thomasgohard commented 10 years ago

Agreed about having an initial French version. With updates to the translation as changes are proposed, obviously. When would you want a translation by?

What I can propose is moving this to a Jekyll+Prose system (à la http://project-open-data.github.io/) so that we can better manage and track updates. That will also make tracking what needs translation much easier as every proposed change will come in as a pull request.

MaryBethBaker commented 10 years ago

@thomasgohard - that would be very useful. Just make sure ton share with @chrismajewski and @samboisvert how this would change the what/where/how of the editing process

nschonni commented 10 years ago

@thomasgohard that was the same suggestion I had in #3 :+1:

thomasgohard commented 10 years ago

@MaryBethBaker @chrismajewski @samboisvert It wouldn't change much. The content would be in a markdown file that would be edited the same way as README.md. Although you could then move the French to a separate file.

Jekyll will make it into a Web page that we can style however you want. Prose will provide an interface for editing that abstracts the GitHub interface to make it easier for people to edit; when they submit their edits, you get still get a pull request.

@nschonni Great minds think alike.

samboisvert commented 10 years ago

I'm all for Jekyll+Prose, I've been wanting to play with Jekyll for a while! I also found this great tutorial on Prose http://developmentseed.org/blog/2012/june/25/prose-a-content-editor-for-github/

thomasgohard commented 10 years ago

I just did a dump of my notes for enabling Jekyll+Prose in a Gist: https://gist.github.com/thomasgohard/6356707. Check the README.md file for the instructions, the other files are files to import.

As the Gist is not ideal for this, when I have a moment, I'll build better documentation in https://github.com/thomasgohard/Jekyll-plus-Prose.

thomasgohard commented 10 years ago

Moved the documentation to http://thomasgohard.github.io/Jekyll-plus-Prose/. The documentation also contains a few corrections.

chrismajewski commented 10 years ago

Translation is a long way away and we are off topic.

Nothing to resolve, closing.