wet-boew / wet-boew-drupal

Drupal variant of the Web Experience Toolkit (WET)
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Broken Admin Menu Bar #1925

Open AlexCreamer opened 5 years ago

AlexCreamer commented 5 years ago

Hi, the menu bar provided by the Administration Menu module has broken on our system. Anytime we add a content type, nothing gets added to the "Content" menu and what was supposed to be put in the "Content" section is put at the root of the menu. Moreover, whenever we enable modules, one or more links for that module is shown at the root of the menu.

The administration_menu module is at version 7.x-3.0-rc5, Drupal is at version 7.59, and WetKit Omega 7.x-1.14 (the default, and the only used, theme).

joejoseph00 commented 5 years ago

is this for the ccit website (Tribunals) ? What is your administration theme? is it the same as your content theme? Try changing the admin theme to say, seven or wetkit_rubik. Double check to see if your css for the theme has any recent hacks to the css/js. Check also your version of jquery_update and which jquery version you're using for the admin theme.

joejoseph00 commented 5 years ago

You should probably report this sort of thing on https://www.drupal.org/project/issues/wetkit?categories=All as a support request

AlexCreamer commented 5 years ago

I don't know what the ccit website is. Sorry. I'll look to report the issue on that page you provided. Thanks Joe! :)

I tried changing my administration theme and my content theme and I was still having the same problem.

AlexCreamer commented 5 years ago

I have jquery_update version 7.x-2.7. I'm not sure how to check what version of jQuery I'm using. Moreover, my system doesn't have access to the internet so I don't know how I'd update my jQuery without using the jquery_update module.

I created an issue here: https://www.drupal.org/project/wetkit/issues/2989940

AlexCreamer commented 5 years ago

Update: It looks like I'm using jQuery UI version: 1.10.2 or 1.11.4 and jQuery version 1.8.3 judging by what I seen when inspecting the Javascript on the front-end.

Update: My /profiles/wetkit/libraries/wet-boew/dist/js/jquery.min.js say's v2.0.3 and my jquery-ie.min.js say's v1.10.2

Update: I tried updating my jQuery to the newest stable version and no dice.