wet-boew / wet-boew-drupal

Drupal variant of the Web Experience Toolkit (WET)
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Unable to drush make --prepare-install #1926

Open AlexCreamer opened 5 years ago

AlexCreamer commented 5 years ago

Below is the message my terminal is giving me. I even tried removing /home/onix/Projects from the beginning of the directory for the file used.

~/Projects/drupal$ drush make --prepare-install --yes /home/onix/Projects/drupal/profiles/wetkit/drupal-org.make
Make new site in the current directory? (y/n): y
file_get_contents(/home/onix/Projects/drupal/profiles/wetkit/drupal-org.make): failed to open stream: No such file or directory make.utilities.inc:577                                           [warning]
Invalid or empty make file: /home/onix/Projects/drupal/profiles/wetkit/drupal-org.make                                                                                                           [error]
Beginning to build /home/onix/Projects/drupal/profiles/wetkit/drupal-org.make.                                                                                                                   [ok]
No core project specified.                                                                                                                                                                       [error]
Drush Make failed to download all projects. See the log above for the specific errors. 
joejoseph00 commented 5 years ago

says that this file is invalid or empty /home/onix/Projects/drupal/profiles/wetkit/drupal-org.make

perhaps permissions issue.

Aside from that, you're better off downloading the fully built distribution from https://drupal.org/project/wetkit

the way the make is put together for wetkit it's quite complicated

if you want a simpler make , see media_dev https://drupal.org/project/media_dev

easily get the drush make going with media_dev speaking of which , it's due for an update soon. I will update have to update media_dev soon.

AlexCreamer commented 5 years ago

The user owns the files (based on the files I checked). If I were to go with the pre-built version, is there recommended method I should use for a multi-site platform?

joejoseph00 commented 5 years ago

wetkit is multisite capable, standard drupal multisite. create a sites.php file place it in your sites folder follow instructions online. If you want to override wetkit modules, install them in sites/all/modules or by site in sites/xyz/modules/ clear caches and that module will override the wetkit version, just note that some of the modules included in wetkit are heavily patched so some of them you want to be aware of that. Overall the modules included in the latest wetkit are pretty much up to date and you shouldn't have to change them. For your custom stuff you should be using the drupal hook system accordingly , your custom stuff should be in your custom module(s) or in the theme preprocessing and templates.

lots of great documentation available online.