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Feeds: Show description for RSS feeds? #7618

Open aaornrylow opened 8 years ago

aaornrylow commented 8 years ago


Is it possible to include the RSS <description> field in the WET4 feeds widget? It was displayed by default in the WET3 version.

Thanks, -Aaron

crochefort commented 8 years ago

are you talking about this http://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/feeds/feeds-en.html ??

aaornrylow commented 8 years ago

Yes. That's the one.

aaornrylow commented 8 years ago

My first comment filtered it out because I used <description> without "code" markup, but just to be clear I was talking about the RSS description field.

aaornrylow commented 8 years ago

Any update on this issue?

hsrudnicki commented 7 years ago

Can be this closed or otherwise? Please update the status of this again, whether this remains still an issue? Thx

aaornrylow commented 7 years ago

This is still an issue.

aaornrylow commented 7 years ago

Any word on this? The WET3 version is currently broken (even on your site). It just shows the spinning "loading" symbol. We'd like to move to the WET4 version but it's not very practical in our context without also being able to show the description field.

ghost commented 7 years ago

WET3 support was ended:

v4.0.6 released v3.1.15 released End of support for v3.1.x

Also WET 3 used ajax.googleapis.com which is now deprecated.

aaornrylow commented 7 years ago

We're not asking for further support on the WET3 version. The issue is with the current WET4 feeds plugin when using it to pull from a standard RSS (XML) feed (here's the current feed on our website, for example). Unlike the WET3 version it does not have the option to display the description field from the RSS file. This field provides key info for us so we need it to display.

LaurentGoderre commented 7 years ago

I'm afraid that's not easily done in WET4

duboisp commented 7 years ago

@aaornrylow I understand your feature request but it might be only done for ATOM feed not RSS feed.

The ATOM feed equivalent of RSS description field is : summary


@aaornrylow a side note. As per the Standard on Web Interoperability, Appendix B, your feed should be converted in the Atom Syndication Format (RFC4287)

ghost commented 7 years ago

@aaornrylow If changing the feed is problematic you could try:


<section id="wb-feeds-custom-1" class="wb-feeds limit-19">
<h3>Releases Jan</h3>
<ul class="feeds-cont">
        <a href="http://www.crtc.gc.ca/eng/rss/2017releases-jan.xml" rel="external">Releases Jan</a>


$( document ).on( "wb-feed-ready.wb-feeds", ".wb-feeds .feeds-cont", function( event ) {
    updateDescription( "#wb-feeds-custom-1", event, "http://www.crtc.gc.ca/eng/rss/2017releases-jan.xml" );
function updateDescription( element, events, url ) {
    var limit = $( element ).attr( "class" ).match( /limit-(\d*)/ )[1];
        type: 'GET',
        url: 'https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20feed%20where%20url%20%3D%20\'' + encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(url)) + '\'%20limit%20' + (limit ? limit : 5) + '&format=json',
        dataType: 'json',
        success: function( data ) {
            var listItems = events.target.getElementsByTagName('li'),
            feedData = data.query.results.item;
            for ( var i = 0; i < listItems.length; i++ ) {
                var listItem = listItems[i],
                feedTitle = listItem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].innerHTML,
                br = document.createElement("br"),
                span = document.createElement("span");

                for ( var y = 0; y < feedData.length; y++ ) {
                    feedDataTitle = feedData[y].title;
                    if ( feedTitle.toUpperCase() == feedDataTitle.toUpperCase() ) {
                        span.innerHTML = feedData[y].description;
                        listItem.appendChild( br );
                        listItem.appendChild( span );

This is prototype (must test this yourself (I'm sure bugs exist)).

duboisp commented 7 years ago

@kodecount I do not think that changing the feed is problematic. It's just that someone need to submit a pull request with the fix.

ghost commented 7 years ago

I meant more so if they need the feed change ASAP. Probably be a while till someone does this.

Yes the change is simple just need something like:

            return "<li><a href='" + data.link + "'>" + title + "</a><br />" +
                ( data.publishedDate !== "" ? " <small class='feeds-date'><time>" +
                wb.date.toDateISO( data.publishedDate, true ) + "</time></small>" : "" ) + ( data.description !== undefined && data.description !== "" ? "<br /><summary>" +
                data.description + "</summary>" : "" ) + "</li>";

At Line 121-123

aaornrylow commented 7 years ago

Thanks for this. I found one bug so far. Maybe you can help me squash it.

If you change the feed limit to display all items (there are currently 19), there are 4 items in a row near the very end that don't display their descriptions: image

This is because of the condition if ( feedTitle.toUpperCase() == feedDataTitle.toUpperCase() ). For those 4 items, the feedTitle and feedDataTitle do not match.

Can you help me figure out why it would be different for only those 4 items?

duboisp commented 7 years ago

Planned for the next release of WET (version 4.0.24), you will be able to achieve something similar by using the data-json plugin.

You will find a temporary working example here: http://universallabs.org/wet/labs/data-json/display-feed-issue7618/unmin/demos/data-json/feeds-layout-en.html

It will be simple as:

<div data-wb-json='{
        "url": "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20feed%20where%20url%20%3D%20&#39;http%3A%2F%2Fwww.crtc.gc.ca%2Feng%2Frss%2F2017releases-jan.xml&#39;%20limit%2019&amp;format=json#/query/results/item",
        "mapping": [
            { "selector": "h2", "value": "/title", "placeholder": "" },
            { "selector": "a", "value": "/description" },
            { "selector": "a", "value": "/link", "attr": "href" },
            { "selector": "span", "value": "/pubDate", "placeholder": "[[pubdate]]" }

        <p><a href=""></a> <span>Publish on [[pubdate]]</span></p>

then it render like:


LaurentGoderre commented 7 years ago

That data-json plugin sounds redundant to me. If you want binding like this, shouldn't you use something like angular instead of creating a pseudo angular?

duboisp commented 7 years ago

@LaurentGoderre for better recording purpose let have that discussion when I will submit the official PR. It should be submitted by next week.

duboisp commented 7 years ago

@aaornrylow Once the Pull Request #7875 are merged-in, you will have more flexibility and more control on how you can layout your feed. See the Template HTML 5 working example in the pull request description.

duboisp commented 7 years ago

@aaornrylow if you are using GCWeb theme, you can use the data-json plugin to do it. See the "Layout a RSS feeds" working example here: http://wet-boew.github.io/themes-dist/GCWeb/demos/data-json/template-en.html