The command should have the format !remember where X is the trigger and Y is the content.
-the bot should respond to !remember with "okay, remembering as "
-X should be a single alphanumeric "word", a space ends it and a character results in a failed remember with error message.
-Y should be stripped of illegal characters such as the bell character
-If already has a trigger, the bot should respond "forgetting , remembering instead"
-When someone uses [? or ! or .]X the bot should respond with Y
-if Y is longer than a legal IRC line, it should be truncated
The command should have the format !remember where X is the trigger and Y is the content.
-the bot should respond to !remember with "okay, remembering as "
-X should be a single alphanumeric "word", a space ends it and a character results in a failed remember with error message.
-Y should be stripped of illegal characters such as the bell character
-If already has a trigger, the bot should respond "forgetting , remembering instead"
-When someone uses [? or ! or .]X the bot should respond with Y
-if Y is longer than a legal IRC line, it should be truncated