wetopi / docker-volume-rbd

Docker Engine managed plugin to manage RBD volumes.
MIT License
72 stars 18 forks source link

image uses unsupported features: 0x38 #4

Closed alexeysmovzh closed 6 years ago

alexeysmovzh commented 6 years ago

On volume creation i get following error message

docker volume create -d wetopi-rbd -o size=256 vol0
Error response from daemon: create vol0: VolumeDriver.Create: volume-rbd Name=vol0 Request=Create Message=unable to create ceph rbd image: exit status 6

dmesg | tail
[ 4186.766150] rbd: image vol0: image uses unsupported features: 0x38

What feature cause error message? Can i disable it?

system information

ubuntu 18.04 bionic x64

docker plugin inspect wetopi-rbd | grep VER
                    "Name": "PLUGIN_VERSION",

sudo ceph --version
ceph version 13.2.1 (5533ecdc0fda920179d7ad84e0aa65a127b20d77) mimic (stable)

docker info
Server Version: 18.06.1-ce


sitamet commented 6 years ago

Not sure what is causing the error the rbd image create call is simple:


I suspect the problem is on the rbd client side (rbd driver is not passing features). Check the default features, and try to set them on ceph.conf. Take a look at https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/15000

alexeysmovzh commented 6 years ago

I tryed different values for ceph rbd image features. It started working fine with rbd_default_features = 7

Thank you for your answer!

cat ceph.conf

  rbd_default_features = 7