wewewe718 / QrAndBarcodeScanner

An Android app for scanning QR codes and barcodes
The Unlicense
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Save an exact copy of scanned QR Code into history (Feature Request) #119

Open Glint-Eye opened 2 years ago

Glint-Eye commented 2 years ago

Right now if I scan a QR Code, it's being saved into history as a different QR code but representing the same information.

Many times when i get a QR code for authentification for an event etc. through email or on a website, i end up taking a photo of that QR code to show it later on my phone for scanning.

It would be great if I could just scan it with the app and have an exact copy directly in the apps history so i dont have to go through my photos.

If the QR code isnt the exact same, usually the scan fails and i end up showing the photo i took of the qr code after all.