wewewe718 / QrAndBarcodeScanner

An Android app for scanning QR codes and barcodes
The Unlicense
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Feature request: interpretation/generation of EPC QR codes ("paycode") for online banking #70

Open tangomagic opened 3 years ago

tangomagic commented 3 years ago


European standard for SEPA bank transfers, read by banking apps to pre-fill bank transfer forms. Widely used in Swiss invoices from authorities, bank & insurance companies,... (until 2022-09 replacing several other formats in use)... spreading in Austria and Germany.

The scanner app could read the QR code and nicely format the output (for the user to verify the data encoded in the QR code) and/or generate (valid) codes for the user (maybe storing recurring data, as in lines 1-7, for future use and on user's request). Also, line 7 (containing the IBAN) could be validity-checked (checksum in digits 3 & 4).

Further possible checks for user convenience:

error correction must be set to level M (15%)

wewewe718 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for requesting a convenient feature. I guess I will implement it soon.

stoecker commented 3 years ago

I'd like to have the same feature. ☺️