wexi / impart

Helps to build KiCad component libraries imported from octopart, samacsys, ultralibrarian and snapeda zipfiles.
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Unhandled Missing File Errors #1

Closed topherbuckley closed 2 years ago

topherbuckley commented 2 years ago

It looks like I'm running into a bunch of missing file/directory errors. Skimming through your code it looks like these fire any time you have a XXX.open() call. I'm not terribly familiar with python's Path manipulation, but it looks like you need to be checking whether the file/dir exists prior to opening them. If they don't exist, then they need to be created/touched. Am I doing something wrong such that you were not getting these errors?

topherbuckley commented 2 years ago

I just made a fork today and fixed all these issues for myself. If you are interested in working together, please let me know, otherwise I'll continue to update on my fork.