wexstorm / simple-openni

simple-openni by Max Rheiner for Processing 3
24 stars 11 forks source link

Works but requires Symbolic Link on OSX #119

Open TroikaTronix opened 6 years ago

TroikaTronix commented 6 years ago

Great work making this for Processing 3.

However, to get this to work on MacOS I needed to create a symlink to libfreenect.0.5.3.dylib. I used the following terminal commands.

cd /REPLACE_WITH_PATH_TO/Processing-v3/libraries/SimpleOpenNI/library/osx/OpenNI2/Drivers

ln -s libfreenect.0.5.3.dylib libfreenect.0.1.2.dylib

The depth and RGB images come in fine. However, there is a crash in NITE when attempting to enable skeleton tracking. The first few lines of the stack trace are shown below.

C  [libNiTE2.dylib+0x19ea62]  LBSEngine::ReadSingleField(std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >*)+0x62
C  [libNiTE2.dylib+0x19dc1b]  LBSEngine::LoadLBSDatabase(char const*)+0xab
C  [libNiTE2.dylib+0x19da00]  LBSEngine::Initialize(char const*, char const*, bool)+0xb0
C  [libNiTE2.dylib+0x159d85]  MultiUserFeatureExtractor::InitializeLBS(xn::DepthGenerator const&)+0x815
C  [libNiTE2.dylib+0x30e5]  UserTracker::initializeTracker()+0x745
C  [libNiTE2.dylib+0x9b25]  TrackerBase::initialize(openni::Device*, bool)+0x3b5
C  [libNiTE2.dylib+0x8ee2]  niteInitializeUserTrackerByDevice+0x32
C  [libSimpleOpenNI.jnilib+0x12b2a]  sOpenNI::ContextWrapper::createUser(bool)+0x3a
sdewailly commented 6 years ago

Hi all, Cool to hear that someone works on NITE library, particularly TroikaTronix! Do you find a solution to use skeleton tracking? Thx

ashleyjamesbrown commented 6 years ago

Ive got Skeleton Tracking working in Processing 3 with the Original Kinect. Been meaning to writeup a walkthrough of how but it only (asfaik) seems to work if you have previously had it working under older versions of Processing. Its a little shaky but I got it working and loads of old code ran again. I'll try and find time to put up a post (and remember how I did it)

sdewailly commented 6 years ago

Hello @ashleyjamesbrown ,

Perhaps you can help to make my kinect working under processing!! Waiting for your advice... Just one question, are you under macOS? Bye.