wey-gu / jupyter_nebulagraph

NebulaGraph Queries and visualization in Jupyter notebook.(previously known as ipython-ngql)
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[bug] support all queries tabular result #1

Closed wey-gu closed 1 year ago

wey-gu commented 3 years ago

For now, this is just an initial PoC.

I will spend some time to walk through more typical queries to ensure the pandas result is compatible in all cases.

wey-gu commented 3 years ago

Not all queries are supported, should be checked.

In [7]: %%ngql
   ...: $a = GO FROM "player100" OVER follow YIELD follow._src AS src, follow._dst AS dst; \
   ...:         GO 2 STEPS FROM $a.dst OVER follow \
   ...:         YIELD $a.src AS src, $a.dst, follow._src, follow._dst \
   ...:         | ORDER BY $-.src | OFFSET 1 LIMIT 2;
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: []